Hoosier Village honors veterans with Veterans Garden
Twenty-five veterans were honored Thursday afternoon in a special ceremony at the Hoosier Village Chapel.
In an opening prayer, Hoosier Village Chaplain Ron May thanked those who served in the armed forces and those serving in public safety. He reminded guests that over this Memorial Day weekend, those families that have borne the loss of a loved one in service and the sacrifices of active and inactive veterans must not be forgotten.
Last year, a Veterans Garden was added to the property with support from the non-profit BHI Senior Living Foundation, displaying bricks with 164 honorees’ names, branch and dates of service.
Katrien Vanderbeck sang the National Anthem and God Bless the USA, as veterans and their families sang along.
“It’s a pleasure to honor our veterans and years of service. We’re excited to add your names to the bricks at Veterans Garden,” said Hoosier Village Executive Director Mindy Kantz.
All honorees are, or were, residents at Hoosier Village.
Three served during World War II, two served during both World War II and the Korean War, eight served during the Korean War, and 12 served during the Vietnam War.
As each of the 25 names was called, veterans stood to receive a medal and flag in appreciation for their service.
Four of the 25 were given to the widows of late veterans.
Several videos shown included the Veteran Garden Dedication ceremony in 2017, a Salute to Armed Forces and a Memorial Day tribute, ending with the playing of taps.
After the ceremony, guests were shuttled by golf cart to the Veterans Garden to see their own or a loved one’s name permanently stamped on each brick.
A representative from Indy Honor Flight was also on hand to accept applications. Indy Honor Flight takes veterans to Washington D.C. twice per year to visit those memorials dedicated to their service.
May said a number of Hoosier Village residents have been on the honor flight and as a volunteer. The experience was one he won’t forget.
Article source: www.timessentinel.com